Ltd. Center of industrial diagnostics and control
  • Українська
  • English
Full company name: Limited liability company “Center of industrial diagnostics and control”
Abbreviated company name: Ltd. “Center of industrial diagnostics and control”
Legal address: 3 Lekha Kachynskoho street, Bucha, Kyiv oblast, 08292, Ukraine
Postal address: P.O.B. 143 Bucha, Kyiv oblast, 08292, Ukraine
EDRPOU 33543574
Individual tax number: 335435726539
VAT payer No. 100134599
Phone: Director: Volodymyr Pochep (067) 245-47-44

Otter office: (044) 499-65-72

Accounting department: (067) 823-28-82

Laboratory: (050) 334-82-05

Specialist for economic issues, safety engineer: Viktor Ulianenko

(050) 334-82-24, (067) 657-29-90

Laboratory building – Head of Production Laboratory of Technical Control: Maksym Prokhorenko

(050) 334-81-74

Banking details: IBAN: UA623052990000026001020107833 in JSC CB PRIVATBANK(UAH)
Company is tax payer on general grounds